Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter One: Welcome to Connecting with Christ!

    • 1.1 Introducing Connecting with Christ

    • 1.2 How to use this course

    • 1.3 Survey: Connecting with Christ

  • 2

    Chapter Two: Knowing & Being Known

    • 2.1 Knowing & Being Known

    • 2.2 How Do You Know That You Know? (On Assurance)

    • 2.3 Reflection: My Journey with Jesus...So Far

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Gospel and Grace

    • 3.1 The Gospel: Priority, Power, & Purpose

    • 3.2 Growing in Grace

    • 3.3 Action: The Tongue Assignment

    • 3.4 Reflection: My Growth in Grace

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Identity

    • 4.1 Identity: Connected to Christ

    • 4.2 How to Live Your Identity in Christ

    • 4.3 Action: The Orphans. vs. Sons Assessment (print out)

    • 4.4 Reflection on the Orphans vs. Sons Assessment

    • 4.5 Coaching Session

  • 5

    Chapter Five: Abide

    • 5.1 Abide: Connecting with Christ

    • 5.2 How to Abide in Christ

    • 5.3 Action: Practice Abiding Assignment

    • 5.4 Reflection: Abiding

  • 6

    Chapter 6: When You Don't Feel Connected to Christ

    • 6.1 When You Don't Feel Connected to Christ

    • 6.2 The Two Thieves

    • 6.3 Reflections on Feeling Disconnected

    • 6.4 Coaching Session

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Next Steps

    • 7.1 Panel Discussion and What's Next

    • 7.2 More Resources for You

    • 7.3 Before you go...